December 08, 2003

Li no Reader's Digest deste mês :

"According to a recent University of Cincinnati survey, 98% of us have had a song stuck in our heads to an irritating degree. 'The tunes tend to be simple with a repeating melody or motif, which triggers the brain to repeat it on its own,' says survey leader and marketing professor James Kellaris, who lists more than 50 of the worst offending songs and jingles in the results. Musicians, women and compulsive people are particularly vulnerable to sticky songs. While one poor soul in the survey claimed he's had the same video-game tune in his head since 1986, 63% said they're able to break the chain by using such methods as turning on the radio, reading aloud, or even singing the offending song to others. 'There's no hard evidence that sharing the song works,' says Kellaris. 'But misery loves company' ".

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